About us
The founders and co-owners of map18 GmbH include Swiss surveying engineers who have been successfully operating around the world with revolutionary self-made developments, for example in the high-tech airborne laserscanning sector. The specialist expertise and most modern available technology which map18 makes use of offers a guarantee for products of the highest quality. As a map18 partner, you would profit directly from having access to this innovative environment.
Our concept:
the use of high technology (during map18 manufacturer) so that a "simple" little booklet is enough while you are playing!
The use of map18 is revolutionary, especially since it is diametrically countering trends which can be observed in the sport of golf such as smartphones with apps, GPS, laser and computer systems. The time-consuming manufacturing process which is used during the most modern surveying and aerial photography techniques available has the aim of putting the simplest possible tool in the hands of the golf player. A "simple" printed booklet which contains all the course information relevant to your game, at a level of detail and at a mapping level previously unknown , and a specially-matched scale with which the golfer can simply determine all the relevant distances at a glance.
IP protection
We provide our partners with exclusivity and value retention thanks to consequent patent and trademark protection policies.